Challenges of Keeping the Bayswater Bowling & Recreation Club Alive in a Covid-19 World.

Pic of Bayswater bowling club Entry Wall

Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club Interview – Mark Cameron and Steve Lay.

Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club Interview – Mark Cameron

The Interview

Steve Lay from Lay2 Real Estate interviews current president Mark Cameron of the Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club (BBRC)  on how the club is fairing in this brave new Covid world.

Steve and Mark discuss the social impact the government mandated shutdown is having on the bowling club members. In a normal week many members would be frequenting the BBRC almost daily participating in the obvious bowling activities on offer right through to the maintenance jobs and gardening to keep the clubhouse and surrounds in a clean and tidy state. 

Members Reaching Out to The Club

Steve asked Mark about if any of the members had reached out to the club? Mark commented that there hadn’t been any particular communications and Mark felt like it would be a good idea to be looking at online communication platforms to check in with members.

Financial Impact

The financial impact to a vibrant community gathering place like the BBRC is enormous. Similar we would think to many non for profit groups and businesses across the world. 

BBRC is working on ways to keep the money flowing with several outside the box ideas.

Of course the bills still need to be paid with greenkeeping contractors needing to be paid along with one contract accountant. The Federal governments job keeper package does not include contractors which means the BBRC is having to foot the bill for these services. I guess that’s what happens when you require the flexibility of staffing that contracting offers.

Fundraisers, street roller hockey and community nights have all suffered the fate of gathering places like the BBRC being shutdown. Sorry people, no more fun.

Thank You

Mark Cameron and Steve Lay would like to thank all the volunteers and community who have supported the BBRC over the last few years to grow the club back to health. 

Let’s hope the club survives this pandemic. Be safe everyone.

Bayswater Bowling and Recreation Club

Lay2 Real Estate