Properties wanted to sell in Bayswater WA by Tom Sideris and the team at Lay2 Real Estate. Our buyer data base is still looking for properties to buy in Bayswater, Morley, Embleton, Maylands and surrounding suburbs.
Buyers Waiting!
The Lay2 Real Estate data base of potential buyers of properties has been very busy over the last few weeks and months. Some buyers have found their property but as you most likely no (possibly from personal experience) that a lot of people have missed out on buying a property or properties and are still eagerly looking to buy a home or block of land to build on.
What are buyers looking to buy?
At Lay2 we have an extensive spread of potential real estate buyers on our data base. Buyers looking for development size blocks with existing homes, budgets for smaller premises, apartments, over 55 complexes etc.
Buyers budgets vary, but in most cases buyers have been through their pre loan approval process and are in a position to make offers immediately within their personal finance parameters.
Maybe Your Property is a Match?
We at Lay2 are receiving offers and or great interest in properties prior to them being listed on the major real estate web portals. There is a very good chance that your property may match one or more of the buyers in the Lay2 buyer data base.
Free Property Appraisal and Buyer Match Process
To arrange your property free no obligation market update be in touch with Tom Sideris or Steve Lay. See the mobile numbers noted below and or online web contact form – online web form – click here.
Contact Tom Sideris on 0403-163-167 or Steve Lay on 0419-191-100
Online/Web Contact Form: Click Here.